Thomas Andrew "Tom" Felton(born 22 September 1987)is an English actor and musician. He is best known for playing the role of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series, the movie adaptations of the best-selling Harry Potter fantasy novels by author J. K. Rowling, for which he auditioned at age twelve.
Felton started filming in commercials when he was eight years old and in films at the age of ten, appearing in The Borrowers and Anna and the King. After being cast as Draco Malfoy he has subsequently appeared in all six Harry Potter films, from 2001 to 2009, and is filming the last two.A fishing aficionado, he helped form the World Junior Carp Tournament, a "family-friendly" fishing tournament.
Felton is the youngest of four brothers and lives in Surrey with his parents and three older brothers. He was in four choirs throughout his childhood, starting with his church choir at age seven. At age 11, he worked at a fishery. Felton was educated at West Horsley's Cranmore School, until the age of thirteen and then at the Howard of Effingham School, a comprehensive school in Surrey.
Felton began acting in commercials by winning a role in a coveted advertising campaign; he won the role over 400 young actors. Another commercial role brought Felton to New York City's Times Square to shoot a production for Commercial Union. Later Felton did a series for Barclaycard In 1995, he performed the voice of James in the television series Bugs and landed his first feature film role in 1997 when he played the part of Peagreen Clock in Peter Hewitt's film The Borrowers. Felton played witness Thomas Ingham opposite Clive Owen in Second Sight in 1999. Felton's role of Louis T. Leonowens in the film Anna and the King, starring Jodie Foster, was also filmed in 1999 Felton made an appearance in the episode 'Hide and Seek' of Second Sight 2 followed in 2000The Guildford Cathedral Choir also offered him a position.
By autumn in 2001, he had become known internationally for his portrayal of Draco Malfoy, the bully, enemy, and foil of Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. As of 2009, Felton has appeared in all of the Harry Potter films. Before landing the part of Malfoy, Felton had auditioned to play Harry PotterRon Weasley.[13] Of the four young actors who succeeded in getting the main roles, Felton had the most extensive film experience.[14] Thereafter Felton's schedule began to fill with the work of filming the first four movies, premieres, contributing to articles and interviews, and receiving the Disney Channel's Kids Awards for Best DVD Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on 22 September 2003.[15] Felton started his Official Tom Felton Fan Club in 2004 and took part in autograph signing events.[16][17] His fan club was reported to have attracted so many fans that Felton had to put a temporary stop to people signing up to his fan club.[18] The autographing session in Germany drew people from Chile and one fan in Cologne summarised: "Tom is a real nice, professional young man, always happy, smiling, laughing, full of power — a real gentleman."[19] When the fan asked Felton what kids should do if someone like his character is bullying them, he said: "Tell someone. You don't want to keep it to yourself."[13] and
After filming the fourth Harry Potter film, Felton made a guest appearance on Home Farm Twins in 2005, where he played Adam Baker in the short-lived series.[20] He attended Collectormania on 30 April 2005 [21][22] and London's world premiere for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.[23] On 11 November 2005, he and Rupert Grint presented Liz Carnell with the Daily Mirror's Pride of Britain Award for all of her work to raise awareness of the dangers of bullying.[24][25] Felton worked on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix throughout 2006. Now having read more of the Harry Potter books, Felton reflects: "I have had input into Draco. If they give me a line and I don't think it is something he would say, I suggest changing it. They do listen to you and you do feel a part of it."[14]
In July 2007, Felton visited Children's Hospital in Denver, Colorado in a pre-screening charitable event of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.[26] He was also present at Leicester Square for the premiere of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on 3 July 2007.[27][28]
Felton also appeared in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth film of the series. When asked whether he was looking forward to playing a good guy in the future he answered: "No. Well, I don't know. I suppose for now I'm happy with sticking to what he is. But after the Potter legacy is over I look forward to playing a good guy or someone different anyway, someone not so spiteful."[29] Felton also played the character Simon in the 2008 horror/thriller movie The Disappeared.[30]
Felton posted three music videos on YouTube under an account called "Feltbeats", in which he performs fragments of original songs. Nine songs have been re-recorded and are now available on iTunes: "Time Well Spent," "Time Isn't Healing", "One of These Days", "Under Stars," "Right Place, Right Time," "In My Arms," "All I Need," and "I'll Be There" join the instrumental "Silhouettes in Sunsets." He also recored an album available on iTunes and named "In Good Hands". It includes the six songs "If You Could Be Anywhere", "We Belong", "When Angels Come", "Convinced", "Father of Mine", and "If Thats Alright With You".
In September 2008, he played for the England side in Soccer Aid 2008.
In June 2009, he made an appearance on the comedy panel show 8 out of 10 Cats.
In October 2009, Felton presented an award at the Young Film Critic of the Year ceremony at the BAFTA Academy in London.
It has been announced that he will have a cameo role in Get Me to the Gig, out on 11 June 2010. In February 2010 was casted for the thriller film The Apparition.[32]

Personal life and interests
In 2003, Felton and his brother Chris worked with Joe Babbitt, the St. Lawrence County Angler's Association, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region 6, the Chamber of Commerce, and a diverse group of other organisations to form the World Junior Carp Tournament which involves competitive fishing for ages eleven through eighteen in a family-friendly environment.
Felton's favourite hobby is fishing and he plans to pursue some qualification in fishery management at Sparsholt College in Winchester, where his brother had gone years before. Apart from fishing, Felton also enjoys other sports, such as cricket, basketball, football, roller skating,ice-skating and Tennis.[20] He said during an interview, "I am generally more and more in my comfort zone in the wild. The only time I can really relax is up a tree or somewhere outside. I love being outside." [29] His ideal place for a holiday is the United States.[35] More specifically, in an interview, he said he liked to go to the St. Lawrence River in New York.[29] His favourite villain in movies is Alan Rickman in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves,[35] who stars in the Harry Potter film series as Severus Snape. He said during an interview that his favourite characters in Harry Potter are Gilderoy Lockhart[13] and Lucius Malfoy, Draco's dad.[29] Felton said that if he could play another character in the film, he would play Lucius Malfoy, or even Voldemort. When asked which house in Hogwarts he would like to stay in, Felton said it would probably be Slytherin.[13]
The Sun reported that Felton is distantly related to several participants of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 including defence witness Lt. Nathaniel Felton, and John Proctor, a victim of the hunt.


ak sukaa kak fare ,
ya ak K.P.F.A :)
ak senang dengaann kebaikkan ka faree :)
betapa lucunya dia saat ak telpon ,
betapa ramahnya dia saat ak pegang tangannya (biar orangnya gak kabur)
betapa kocaknya dia saat sedang cerita macem2 sama ak ,
betapa manisnya senyummnya diaa ,
betapa dia sayang sama kak irene ,,
rasanyaa ak pengen jadi kak irene :( huhuuuhu
ka faree sayangggggggggggg bgt am kak irene ..
tp ak jg sayang kok sama kak irene ,,
hiiiihhhii .
mereka ber2 memang pasangan yang cocok ,
sama2 baik ,
sama2 cakep & cantik ,
sama2 ramah (sama ak)
sama2 inget dan akrab sama ak ,
dan intinya ak sayang sama merekaa ber2 .
ak senangg kaloo mereka senang ,
ak akan menangis disaat mereka bersedih :)
karna ak memang akan selaluu ada untuk mereka ,
walau mungkin mereka gak sadar akan hal itu :)

ak saayaangggggggggg merekaa ber2 :))


(foto disebelah : ak yg rambut tergerai curly pake jaket kuning , novi yang baju putihh :p )
noovii :)
my bestiiess ..
ahahahaa ,
tp diaa manggil ak betiiss :p
buukann bestiiess ,,
katanyyaa biiar bedaa aja gtuu ,,
wkwkwkkw ,
dia lucu ,
selalu ada buat ak ketwaa ,
wkkww ,
pkokknya orangnya asikk lahh ,
ak kenal dia udahh 3tahun ,
kita duluu gak akrab2 amatt ,
tp intinyaa ak tau dia baikk ,
ak sayangg diaa ,
dia buat harii2ku cerahh :)
bigggg thankkssss for you vii :)


ejey ,
diia bagii ku udahh kayak kk senndiirii :)
baikk , ramahh , sukaa ngasih ak contekan (hehheee), dan nganggap ak itu kayak adikknya senndiiri ,
dia seringg cerita2 berbagai macam kisahnya ke ak ,
ak sygg bgt sama ejey ,
rasanyaa ak punya kakak cewe :)
kan selama ini ak pgn punyaa kk cwee yang baik , ramah enak diajak ngbrol ..
bukann sodara cwoo yang ngeseliinn -_____-
ahahhahaaa ,
pokokknya kaloo udahh kenal sama ejey tuh pasti
gak bakall nyesell deh :)
hihiihiii :)
ak sayangg bangett sama ejey ,,
big thanks for you sist :))


arnawaa ,
atau kerapp akrab ak panggil arna :)
menuruttku di temann palingg dekat dan baik (cowok) buat ak ,
tapii kadangg2 ituu lohhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!
biikiinn keselll setengahh mampuussssss ,,
ahahahahhahaaa ,
ak seringg berantemlah sama dia ,
bertengkar ,
sampee merencanakan sesuatu juga terkadang bareng2 sama diia :)
ahahahaha ,
arr .. arr ..
km memangg teman yang baikk buuatt ak :)
ak senengg punyaa temen kayak kamuu ,
special thanks :)


ade bull :)

diia adalah orang yang cukup mengesankann .
orangnya baik ,
lucu ,
lumayan cakepp ,
gak peduliian ,
ramahh tamahh ,
sukaa jaiil :p
tp diiaa baiiiiiikk bgtt :))
ak sempat di gosipin sma diaa :)
tp kenyataannya gakk kookk ,,
iyaa kan dee ?
ahahhahaaaa ,
km orang yang berartii buuat ak ,
krna walaupun km gk suka sama ak ,
tp hati kecilku pernah mengatakan bhwa memang benarr ak suka sama kamuu :)
tp sekarangg kita cukuup kok jadii temenn ,,
hehehhee :))


akuu sayaangggggg banggeettt samaa kak ireenn :))
gak bisaaa terluupakan deehhh harii2 ku bareng kak iren ,
kapanpun dan dimanapun ak pastii akan slaluu ada untuukk kakk ireeenneee :))


hmm ,
hmpir smua tmanku tau kalau ak adalah LyLAKU .
ya tntu ak adalah pecinta Lyla .
nah skrg ak akan ks tau knp ak menyukai mreka .

berawall dari 1thn 3bln yg lalu ,
ak sdang menontn tv ,
ada dahsyat kan,nah ak tnton aj tuh,
kbtulan ada vc lyla yg mantan kekasih ,
nah dlm pkiranku
"waw,ni penyanyi lagi nge-matt (kayak di paduan suara tu loh) apa mau bunuh diri dari atas gedung sih?aneh bgt nari2 di atas gdung ,"
nah stlh di perhatikan,lagunya bgus jg,dan ak jg brpendapat bhwa grup band ni keren2 juga org2 ny,
jd ya ak buka dh lptop (sore hari nya) untk cri tau tntg lyla ,
nah kbtulan dlu msi jamannya FS ,
ak urek2 informasi dr sana ..
berawal dri iseng2 nge add kak naga yg lgsung di approve am dia,ak coba dh nge post coment,tp ya tntu gk d bls .. kan comentny bnyk bgt gt ..
nah ak add dh kak dennis,kak fare,kak dharma n kak amec ,
smua nge approve ak,tp ttp gk dpt informasi apa2 dr mrka ,

nah ak iseng2 buka fb ku , yg dlu cuma iseng juga tak buat n cuma isi fto,
ak add mrk smua ,

nah kan ak nge wall tu,tp gk d bls,nah ak jg kbtulan udah tmenan d fb ma kak iren,ak liat kak iren lg ol chat,nah ak chatingan iseng2 dh ma kk iren ..
berawal dr iseng2 ittu jg,ak malah tiap malem chating am kak iren,crita2 lah,ngmongn kak fare lah,tntg kak iren lah,tntg ak,tntg mrk kpn mw ktmuan am ak dsb ,
nah karna ak udah akrb ma kak iren,ak coba2 pndkatan am lylaku smuany,ada yg nge add ak dan ada yg ak add,
trs ak nge massage kak naga dan pasti di balas sama dia (dulu) ,
nah ak crita2 gtt am kak naga,
nah ak kan sring update stts fb tuh tntg itu,ada lylaku yg prcya ada yg kagak,
tp ya biarin aj lah,gak pnting jg ngurusin yg kagak prcya,ttu kan hak mreka ,
nah ak trs dh brhub am mrka ..
Ampe bulan mei kira2 kak iren tiba2 nge wall ak,yg ngsi tau tntg mw k bali am lyla ,
ak aja ampe kaget stgh mampus,ak lgsung msg kak naga dan 25mnt kmudian d bls am dia,dia ya blg gtt dh am ak,mw ktmuan am lylaku bali,mw manggung di lap tvri dsb .
nah ak ma kak iren jg asyik msg2an dan wall2an pgn ktmuan,
ak tny am kak iren kok cpt bgt info ke day,nah kak iren ktny cuma knal n akrb ma lylaku bali ya cuma am day ,
gttu lah ktny,trs ak crita2 mcem2 ..
ampe tiba saatny kita ktmuann ..
*adegan ktmuan disensor karena trllu panjang,tp ada kok di notes ku yg laen (fb) dan blog ku*

Jd ittu skilas alasanku .
alasan ku menyukai lyla antara lain .

ak suka am kak fare emang udah dr dlu2 si,soalny orgny unik gt,lucu,serba santai,gokil,manis,ramah ,
tp bkan karna hal itu jg ak suka am kak fare ,
dulu ttu,yg paling rajin bls chatingan ku di fb di antara prsonil lyla laenny ya cuma kak fare,dia jg ampe nyuruh ak nge add *sensor* nya,jd kita bsa komunikasi tnpa fb gtu dah,trs wkt ktmuan ,ak ttu sneng bgt ngbrol bnyk am kak fare,tntg dia jrg fb an lah,tntg dia orgny males bgt ngrus fb lg,dsb ,
tss wkt manggung juga,kalo ak panggil kak fare,pst dia noleh dan lambai2 kan tangannya smbil snyum ke arahku,wkt trun panggung juga..kan ak pgang tanganny gtu buat salaman LAGI,wkwkwk,nah kak fare tu senyum manis bgtt..serasa melayang dh ak .. *maaf agak lebay* hahaha,nah tu sdkt crita knp ak suka kak fare,
dan tntg personil laenny,
ak jg suka am mrka,tp trllu pnjg crita lg,hehe,kpn2 ak crita2 lg ah di notes fb, lumayan mengurangi lelah ,skalian curcol gtu,
hehehe ,

always kak fare :*


(foto di sebelah saat bersama kak naga , ak baru pulang kerja kelompok dan habiis sakit , jadii agak kucel gituuu :p)
tanggal 6 agustus dan tanggal 7 agustus adalah hari yang paling membahagiakan untuukku , ak bisa bertemuu sama LYLA ! jadii begiini , pada tanggal 6, ak dan adek kelasku , laras ,pergi ke hotel tempat lyla menginap , ak dan laras juga bersama kak deasy , dan mamanya laras , kita menunggu di loby hotell , ,giila , ,pertamanya , kita dikasi tau kalo mreka to gak ada , 

py ak nelpon kak anggie ,katanya mreka lagi di jimbaran , trus ak nunggu aj di loby hotel , dan ternyata abang dharma turun dari lift , ak tiba2 kaget dan langsung deketin aj , trus ternyta bnerr , ,giila , ,ternytata kk dharma to cakepp aslinya , ,giilaa , ,kerenn lagii , 
,biistu di kasi tau kalo yang lain lagi di kamar , kecuali kk amec , yawwdah , ,langsung aja kita nunggu , bis tu dateng bang boiy , kita langsung d jadiin lylaku resmi ,kita beli baju lyla , bistu kk2 lyla turun dri lift , kita langsung foto2an dehh , , gila hebatt bgtt , ,mreka aslinya jauuh lebiih CAKEEPPPPPPPP . .biiatu mreka ke jimbaran dan kita pulang , lalu , besok malemnya kita dtg ke lap tvri , disana mreka bakal manggung , kita pake bj lylaku ,bistu mereka nyanyiin 8 lagu , sumpah keren bgt !!wakktuu mereakaa manggung , 
bang ai ngasiih ak pick gitarnya kak faree ,,, giilaa ... sumpah keren nggtttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!
waktuu mereka nyanyi Bernafas Tanpamu , kan kk fare gak ikuut tuuh .. nah ak panggil kak fare ,, untung kak faree dengerr n dadain akk ... summpaahh senengggggggg bangettt !!!!!!!!!! dan yang gak di sangka2 , kta bertiga disuru masuk ke ruangan mereka di ruangan kaca ,kita semuua diliatin ama orang2 ,giilaa , ,kita kaya jadii artiis 1harii dlm ruanagn mereaka . .ahahahahgs , ,bahagiia bgat akk .,, , love LYLA 4EVER!!

berTelephone with ka Fare :)

tanggal 31 desember 2010 .

(1 bulan sblmnya)
Berawall dari iseng2 rencana yg ak dan ADHANIAR AGUSSALIM a.k.a adikku RVOUNHEAR LYLAKU rencanakan .

Kita sms2an sampai malam , kira2 ampe jam 12 malam .

Ak ngbrol macem2 sama dia ,
sampe pada akhrny kita buat sbuah rncana ..
Ntar pas lyla maen ke mksar,tgl 31des'10 ,
ak akan tlp nhear,
dan akan di jwb sama ka fare ..
Kita udah rncanain macem2 ..

Lalu tiba pd tanggal 30des'10 .
Dia sdang bingung dgn pemakaian kartu tri trbarunya ,
jd ya ak ksi tau smua ilmu ku tntg kartu tri .
Tp kita sama skali blm ngmongn tntg rncna kita tsb .

Tiba pd tanggal 31 ,
pagi2 sekali ak tlp dia ,
kita ngbrol mcem2 dan tiba2 lgsung ngbrit ke rncana kita ,
akhrny ,
pada jam 12.30 ,
ak lg makan siang ..
Lg di hapeku :
'adikku lemot'
memanggil .

Ak angkat deh ,
tp nhear malah ngmong bisik2 gtu ..
Dia blg
' kak!Ak lg sama ka fare ni! Gmana?! '
ak :
' ehh ?! Cpt2 ksi ke ka fare!! '
lalu nhear blg ke ka fare kalo ak tlp ..

Ka fare : haloo
ak : haloo kak fare!! Siangggggg
ka fare : sianggg jugaa
ak : ni dayana kak,yg dibali,yg sring ym an sma kk
ka fare : oh iya2 , ingett ingett
ak : ak jg yg wkt itu ktmuan2 am kak iren
ka fare : oh iyaa..Wkt itu ka iren jg smpat critaa
ak : hahaha,kakak kok skrg kalo ym an am ak jrg d bls lg?Kan wkt itu kk yg ngsi alamatny,tp gk prnh mw chatingan am ak !
Ka fare : oh itu,ak tu kalo ym di ON in , tp ak nya malah lg gak d dpn komputer , makany gak prnah bls2 lg
ak : oh kakak kalo ym an pke komp toh?
Ka fare : iyaa
ak : oh gt,kak,kapan ni maen lg ke bali?!
Ak pgn ktmuan lg !
Ka fare : ada kok dek,kalo gk salah bln february
ak : oh y?Bner ni kak??
Ka fare : iyaa bner ..
Ak : aaaa,asyik2!!Kita ktmuan lg ya kak!
Ka fare : tenttu..
Ak : ok dh kak !
Ka fare : mau ngmong lg sama tmenny?
Ak : iya dh kak,kasi hpny ke nhear aja ,
ka fare : ok
nhear : gmana kak??Hebat kan ak?
Ak : duhh nhear..Km bner2 adikku yg pling baik sdunia dehh!
Nhear : iya dong kak..Aku gttu .. Iya dh kak,udah dlu y,ntar ak tlp lg
ak : ok syg,mkasy yaa

ittulah skilass pmbicaraanku sama ka fare ,
dan itu jg brkat adikku trsyg ..
Ak jg syg sama mbakkuh trcinta NUNU MOEDIFIN SINAGA
yg crita2 tntg ka fare ..
Hehehe ,
big thanks for you all !
I love you so much !!


If i had a plane
then where would i fly to ?
If i had to use my brain for something else tell me what would i do ?

And i if i had a strange
conversation with a lady in a
waiting room about leaving all
this doom and gloom

if you could be anywhere
where would you be ?
If you could be anywhere
would you be there with me ?

If i could be anywhere
i`d be there

if i could be anywhere
i'd be there with you , girl ....

Take my chances
fake my glances
wait those answers
anywhere but

take my chances
i`ll fake my glances
wait my answers
anywhere but here ..

i`ll do it anywhere but here

i`ll do it anywhere but here .

~ end ~

aku sukaaaa bgtt laguu ini ..
secara pcrku gtu yg nyanyiin :p hahahaha
i love TOM FELTON !


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